Urząd Miejski w Strzelcach Opolskich
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The Commune of Strzelce Opolskie is situated along international E-4 route (Zgorzelec - Medyka), on the border of the Opole and Silesia districts, in the western part of the Silesia Upland, north-east slope of Che?mska Mountain. It borders directly with the following communes: Gogolin, Izbicko, Jemielnica, Le?nica, Kolonowskie, Krapkowice, Toszek, Ujazd, Zdzieszowice.

Surveyor point situated at the town hall well in Strzelce Opolskie specifies the level of 233,7 m above the sea level. The highest place in the commune is Kamienna Mountain in Ligota Dolna, of 310 m above the sea level. The area's formation is shaped by shell limestone sediments of the Opole Triassic area. Limestone soil causes presence of springs creating ponds. One of the most characteristic examples is the spring in Ro?ni?towie on the level of 228 m above the sea level. Rivers Jemielnica and Piotrówka and streams J?drynie, Rozmierz and Sucha flow through the commune.

powiat strzelce opolskie