Urząd Miejski w Strzelcach Opolskich
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Commune infrastructure

Water supply network

The town and all villages in the commune are connected to central water supply systems. The existing water intakes are sufficient for the needs of inhabitants. Water system of Strzelce Opolskie is supplied by water from two intakes: one in the town centre and the other in Nowa Wieś district.

Water Treatment Plant

There is a mechanical-biological water treatment plant in Strzelce Opolskie, of 10.800 m3/day capacity. Treatment technology assures high degree of pollution reduction which guarantees water intakes protection in Strzelce Opolskie. The plant processes sewage from the area of Strzelce Opolskie with the possibility to connect the area of Mokre Łany, Suche Łany, Dziewkowice, Szczepanek.

Sewage network

Almost the whole town is connected to separate sanitary and rain systems and the "old town" has a common sewage system. Village areas of Strzelce Opolskie commune do not have sewage systems

Electric power

The commune of Strzelce Opolskie is supplied with power from Blachownia Power plant via power transmission lines 110 kV from Blachownia to Ozimek. The system of double rails and transformers at GPZ 110kV/15kV station allows for reliable supply to middle voltage customers. The 15 kV network provides enough power that is demanded. Continuity of supply is assured by network structure as well as automatic reserve connection units, which is also useful in emergency situations. There is a possibility to provide two sources of power supply to customers who are "sensitive" to breaks.


Gas is supplied by Gas Distribution Station in Krapkowice, Gas Distribution Unit in Strzelce Opolskie. Strzelce Opolskie is supplied with natural, high methane content gas GZ 50. Gas network length in town is 36,5 km.